[ allows to subset an xarray object by its dimensions (see dim())

[[ allows to subset an xarray object by measurements/variables (e.g. spectral band), either named (character) or indexed (numeric).

xar_sel_time() allows to subset an xarray object by a character vector of dates/times.

[[<- allows to assign a measurement/variable (e.g. spectral band), either named (character) or indexed (numeric), to an existing xarray object.

# S3 method for xarray.core.dataset.Dataset
[(x, i = NULL, j = NULL, k = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for xarray.core.dataarray.DataArray
[(x, i = NULL, j = NULL, k = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for xarray.core.dataset.Dataset
[[(x, ...)

# S3 method for xarray.core.dataarray.DataArray
[[(x, ...)

xar_sel_time(x, query, exact_match = T)

# S3 method for xarray.core.dataset.Dataset
[[(x, ...) <- value

# S3 method for xarray.core.dataset.Dataset
$(x, ...) <- value



xarray object, the dataset to be subsetted from or assigned to


numeric, first dimension index


numeric, second dimension index


numeric, third dimension index


numeric or character, index or indices by which to extract/assign (additional) elements


character vector, one or more time/date character vectors in the format of the time dimension of x or an abbreviated form of it (e.g. only the date component)


logical, whether to return only exact matches (default) or to search for closest elements to each element in query using [difftime()]


xarray object, the dataset that should be assigned to x


Subsetted xarray object


if (FALSE) { library(odcr) # connect to a database, store the Daatcube connection internally (default and recommended) database_connect(app = "Sentinel_2") # build a query list lat <- 22.821 lon <- 28.518 buffer <- 0.05 query <- list( 'time' = c('2020-01', '2020-03'), 'x' = c(lon - buffer, lon + buffer), 'y' = c(lat + buffer, lat - buffer), 'output_crs' = 'epsg:6933', 'resolution' = c(-20,20) ) # load data and return an xarray object for a query ds <- dc_load(query = c(product = "s2_l2a", dask_chunks = dict(), query)) # return dimensions of ds dim(ds) # subset/index ds by time, x, y ds[13, 11:20, 21:30] # subset/index ds by time ds[13,,] # subset/index ds by variable/measurement ds[[2]] # or do the same with a named variable or alias ds[["nir"]] # subset/index by exact time vectors xar_sel_time(ds, c("2020-01-02", "2020-01-07")) # or find closest times/date subsets by time vectors xar_sel_time(ds, c("2020-01-01", "2020-01-07"), exact_match = F) }