These functions query a datacube to which a connection has been established using database_connect.

dc_close(dc = getOption("odcr.dc"))

dc_find_datasets(dc = getOption("odcr.dc"), query, lazy = FALSE)

dc_list_measurements(dc = getOption("odcr.dc"))

dc_list_products(dc = getOption("odcr.dc"))

dc_load(dc = getOption("odcr.dc"), query)



a datacube connection of class 'datacube.api.core.Datacube'. By default, the session connection initialized using connect() is used.


list, containing query parameters such as

  • 'product', character, name of the product to be queries (see dc_list_products())

  • 'time', character vector of length == 2, containing a time query

  • 'x', numeric vector of length == 2, containing xmin and xmax

  • 'y', numeric vector of length == 2, containing ymin and ymax

  • 'output_crs', character, the output CRS, e.g. as epsg in the format 'epsg:6933'

  • 'resolution', numeric vector of length == 2

  • 'measurements', character vector containing the names or aliases of measurements


logical, whether to use lazy dataset finding or not.


None or data.frame


if (FALSE) { library(odcr) # connect to a database database_connect(app = "Sentinel_2") # return a data.frame containing all stored variables/measurements of the current connection # and its aliases, data types etc. dc_list_measurements() # return a data.frame containing all products of the current connection dc_list_products() # build a query list lat <- 22.821 lon <- 28.518 buffer <- 0.05 query <- list( 'time' = c('2020-01', '2020-03'), 'x' = c(lon - buffer, lon + buffer), 'y' = c(lat + buffer, lat - buffer), 'output_crs' = 'epsg:6933', 'resolution' = c(-20,20) ) # return a data.frame of all datasets matching the query dc_find_datasets(query = c(product = "s2_l2a", query)) # load data and return an xarray object for a query ds <- dc_load(query = c(product = "s2_l2a", dask_chunks = dict(), query)) # after a lot of queries, you may want to close open connections dc_close() }